Yes I can cook...

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Hey people..sorry for no updates..I had a nerve wrecking presentation last Tuesday, and have slept for less than 3 hours 3 days before that. Glad to report that it went better than I expected!=)

Since I'm a student, I no longer have the luxury to spend a lot on food. Dining in is waaaay more cheaper, so I thought I'd show you some of the things that I cooked (or at least tried to cook), but I have to say I've improved. My motivation (besides that it's cheaper) is dad and Puyeng, dad because he really prefers eating at home. Puyeng..well..if we do get through this LDR and make it to the altar, I would love for him to say, "My wife is not only hot, but she's an awesome cook too!" (sorry I know I'm pushing it too far..haha) walla~ here's some of the dishes:

1) Ayam goreng kunyit

2) Telur dadar + daging masak black pepper

3) Kacang buncis masak sos tiram + ikan masak sweet sour (you can't really see the fish because it's buried in the sweet n sour sauce)

4) Spaghetti Bolognaise

5) Maggi goreng~

What do you think? Haha, I wanna do sup daging or ayam but I really don't know how to make the spices (kat Malaysia ade sup bunjut Adabi which is a lifesaver)...I'll be having dinner with 2 Malaysian's tonight, so I'll update you guys about that later okay..Love - izza..

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