It has started..

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It has started...the goodbye hangouts..yup..i have a few dates lined up to meet a few close friends before I's starting to sink in that I'll be leaving so many people that I love..

I do have a few old friends that I constantly contact..Friends from my school time to my uni years...These people have walked me trough life..and they've accepted me for who I am, laughed at my jokes, and helped me get through the hard times..especially after mom died..

On the 4th day of Raya, me and my uni BFF's decided to meet at the Curve..after arguing at which place to have lunch (this is a MUST DO kesahlaa jumpa member2 or bf..hehe), we settled for Nandos. And when I say BFF's..i dont mean girls..ahaha...only one of them is a girl..all the others are weird nerds that I myself wonder why I am so close to them..haha..sorry im joking..they know I love them..

I cant believe all the guys in our group are married...These are the people that I kutuk and curse at during my uni years's fun to be mean to nerds?(kids, if you are reading this do not set me as an example!)...and now their somebody's husband and are about to be dads..slap me please~

But hey...I guess everyone goes through this phase of life..where previously you just follow your parents to weddings to eat free food..and now the weddings you go to are your own friend's used to bring and see your friends bringing their gf or bf to events..and now you see them bringing cute little babies..

Haha...well, let's just live life to the fullest & enjoy every moment of it~

The gang from left: Sapek, his lovely wife Huda, Ikin, myself & Illiyas

I like the pic below because Sapek isn't in it..we fight every second it's a miracle we're BFF's.. 

See how short I am? It's so obvious cause I'm wearing flats, and I can't wear heels because I'm a klutz and I fall easily..

The lovely newly weds..

 Owh yeah..after the meeting I did some 'minor' shopping...

2 sets of shoes, a huge bag for class, perfume, 2 basic tops, & some 'innerwear' which I obviously can't post here..

I can hear a few of my GF's shouting "IZZA!!~"...sorry guys tershopping byk nk buat mcm ne~ Taa for now~

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